 +91 -90957 90958

Enterprise Application Integration

A collection of technologies which form middleware framework
to enable integration of systems and applications across an enterprise.

Connecting Applications, Databases & heritage Systems.

Enterprises are looking forward to reconfiguring their business processes through integration of applications by Enterprise Application Integration (EAI).To help organizations, we offer EAI solutions built on careful planning, highly skilled resources, and knowledge gained from numerous prior EAI projects.

We ensure flexibility to add or modify product lines and businesses in the fastest possible time, reuse of existing application code, and seamless integration of data from disparate systems to enable direct processing and automated workflow systems.

Our EAI solution suite allows compatibility between the customer's vast array of legacy systems and databases that do not comply with one another. It also provides customers with scalability with business growth, and the facility to generate MIS reports from comprehensive message tracing at various levels.

EAI Key Offering

Potential contribution is measured in terms of attaining or exceeding key performance and competitive benchmarks for all industries.



To collect and prioritize operational needs and challenges, develop alternative concepts to meet the needs.



To build a customized architecture of applications to combine new technologies and databases.



Interpreted as a general process that has to be customized according to specific requirements or characteristics.



To modify and update new or existing application after delivery to correct faults and to improve performance.

Why EAI?

Include flexible architectures, integration with existing applications, service integration, and state of the art composite application development.

Information Sharing

Enables flow of information between separate programs within a company, as well as from outside the company.

Reduced IT Complexity

Overcomes roadblocks to smooth business process by combining several applications into a single interface.

Simplified Processes

An efficient way of streamlining firm processes which include activity or data from multiple software applications.

Increased Agility

Business benefits of EAI are that it allows organizations to recognize and respond to opportunities more quickly.

EAI Approach At Eron?

Acquiring business intelligence, communicating among teams or maintaining customer relationships, technology has made everything convenient and organized.

We implemented latest technologies and platforms.

We provide blunder free conveyance.

Quality Assurance.

Administration Transparency.

We quickly resolve the issues.

We makes Unique Client Approach.
